woop woop
yo ninja this is cool
but y in da second verse some 1 talkin bout that they satin
if whoever that is saying that thinks they're a juggalo
well there sadly mistaken cuzz the whole idea of being a juggalo
is that you can still go 2 shangri la aka heaven
with out haveing to be the goodie two shoes never did a bad thing christans of the modern era
meaning that you can still go to heaven even if you have done some bad things in your life and all you have to do is ask god for true givness
but anyways the beat is tight
yo flow is ok just listen to the beat more closly and then flow cuzz then it will sound alot better if you kno how the beat is gonna go
another thing work on that satin shit please for the sake of all real juggalos everywhere
so all in all
peace homie