I take it you have an english accent?
cuz that really doesn't mix with Mario-Mario has an italian accent.
Original Thread:
http://www.newgrounds.com /bbs/topic/1140778
This is my interpretation of the script "Mario and the Thief of the Crystals" by nOsCoPeHalo134. Sometimes a script is just so good you can't change even a single word of it.
The Script:
This is my first script please be gentle on me.........
*the setting starts with mario in his house watching family guy and drinking beer*
Mario: Wow I love this episode of Family guy It is very good.
*as soon mario says that a fbi most wanted comes up about a thief*
TV: Spongebob the most famous Theif steals the Three sacred Crystals from the Cave of the Insane man
Mario: WHAT?!?!?! THIS IS OUTRAGEROUS! Why Must a Living person do this? I will bring them to justuice.
TV: Reports say he was last found in Bikini Bottom. IF u find spongebob u get 100k dollars for his Capture
Mario: 100k bucks? That's GREAT! I will do this and Help The FBI.
*the day pases by like a bird on a shore line *
*mario talking 2 lugin *
Mario : Luigi my Brother I have Great news that will make us Richer!
Luigui: Oh ho ho? how So My Big Brother??????????????????
Mairo: Spongebob sqaure Pants stole the Three Sacred Crsyals from the Cave of the insane man
The Fbi are rewarding 100k dollares Reward if you WE capture that Spongebob ,
Lugi: Sounds Great. We will do this and make al ot of money and buy us Wii Points and B33r . We need to get drunk
Maruo: Yes I argee
Lugi: When shall we go?
Maurio: Let me talk to Toad He might have a plane we can Riden on to the Isad of the insane Man
Mugi: Good plan.
Mairo: tHank you.
*lugin and mario go to toad's woprkshop"
Toad: Yes...but the Island of hte Insane Man???? Thatp lace is dangeorus and insane like a mother f***ker.
Mairo: me and my brother Lugin are going to risk it and go there and capture Spongebob for his dirty deeds. WE will make mone 100k. Dollatrs.
This is a work progess I will post more
If you want a VA you can contact me. Did I get the part?!
I take it you have an english accent?
cuz that really doesn't mix with Mario-Mario has an italian accent.
way to miss the point of everything
MUTHA-asterisk asterisk asterisk
Great, this is simply awesome!
el oh el
This would have illustrated the unintentional so-bad-it's-good hilarity of that script a bit better if you'd managed to avoid laughing while reading it. There were a couple of stumbles and microphone issues as well, but it made me chuckle, and that's worth something.
i kept it raw and intentionally recorded over a couple of words at a low quality to symbolise the quality of the script
but yes this is of course a very serious work of art
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.