josh, all you have to do is make the lyrics for it. or, actually i would prefer to make the lyrics and have you sing them. if whats in my head turns to reality it will sound REALLY amazing!!!
aldo, the bass is slightly hard to hear, but its simple and it follows the chord progression of the overall song.
rolando, in no way do i want you to play exactly what you hear. you're capable of a lot more impressive beats. however i do want you to follow the feel of it. dont be blasting it out on the drums, when in the song its a steady march.
there you go guys, i hope you like it, and please keep in mind that it will sound a lot smoother, and will have vocals over it. this is not supposed to be an instrumental song.
chord progression generally is - am dm g c e and then when the techno comes in, it turns to am f dm e and the march where its only guitar and drums is c to am. thats about it.
enjoy, i think it sounds great.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.