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hend - From The Womb

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Honestly, I don't think this belongs to any particular genre - classical, metal, rock, gothic, I don't know? I've never been able to classify it. I've put it in heavy metal as I think it's too aggressive in the second half for classical, and I do take a lot of influence from all kinds of metal genres.

This is my first creation beyond Guitar Pro 5 - I've incorporated VSTis and sound fonts, as well as drum programming, rather than just MIDI-esque music. For examples of my old sound, check out www.myspace.com/hendmusic , as I have a few samples off of each of my four previous albums.

I'm particularly fond of this song as the new string sound really adds a layer to it. I also like the drum sound, but the snare is too quiet after resampling it to 44.1 kHz. Enjoy the song and the short journey it takes you through, and if you're interested in further, feel free to visit the site as all music I create is free as long as I am credited for use.

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The melody and tune is excellent, but it seriously needs mastering. The intro is a little long, which gets people impatient, especially since it isn't heavy metal. The drums are faint, and the cymbals, if that's what they are, are too high and frequent, also of bad quality, you might wanna replace them. Hurts the ears.

The background is also a little too loud than the melody flow itself at some parts, sounds pretty conflicting.

Hope to see an improved version uploaded :)

Hend responds:

Indeed, I felt conflicted on which genre to submit this under. It probably wasn't a good choice either choosing the first track off of an album as it does intentionally have a long intro. Live and learn! :)

The drum quality pretty much got raped when I converted to 44.1 kHz. I'm looking into finding a new drum program to use for the future as it also doesn't play nicely with tempo changes and triplets.

I have a lot of work to do with making it sound good outside the realm of GP5 and MIDI alone. Thank you for the feedback!


the Violin Made it Very Good. It Was a little jump from note to note, and some of the chords made me cringe. But apart from that, was vey vey good. :D

Hend responds:

Glad to know you liked it! I agree, the violin doesn't feel quite natural yet, but it still sounds far better than the basic MIDI did so I was happy with how it turned out. I'll have to continue my search for compatible VSTis or sound fonts, though I'd guess it also has to do with the way I wrote the violin parts.

Yay, indeed, for first post. :)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jan 20, 2010
5:41 PM EST
Heavy Metal
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 3 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.