I have no idea why this is so similar to one of my compositions. COINCIDENCE? HMMM
Don't worry, it's just three notes per phrase that is exactly the same :)
And man do I love simple and rich music.
Wait for the last bits :p
ps: I have absolutely no idea what a prologue is .
I have no idea why this is so similar to one of my compositions. COINCIDENCE? HMMM
Don't worry, it's just three notes per phrase that is exactly the same :)
And man do I love simple and rich music.
Short, Simple, and Sweet
Just like i said its short, its simple, and its sweet. Also to my point of view has a nice touch of epic at the end when the beat kicks in. I do wish it was longer though had a nice ring to it and to me the ending kinda seemed chopped. Anyways nice job 10/10 and 5/5.
Thank you very much.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.