Hi again!
Was just wondering what you've been up to. This is a sick submission, it's way different and the instrument choices are just perfect (well, maybe not the piano, but that could just be me). I love it! Quite a bit.
yo im back %u2606
sorry but im really just fucking around with old material right now so don't expect much
note as of yet no quality control so its probably not the best mastering
and YES that piano skip at the end WAS intentional. so don't complain about it
yo thats Little Wayne beatboxing
oh yeah im on face book, so...
http://www.facebook.com/p ages/DJ-Yawny/27717451708 3
Hi again!
Was just wondering what you've been up to. This is a sick submission, it's way different and the instrument choices are just perfect (well, maybe not the piano, but that could just be me). I love it! Quite a bit.
haha thanks man yeah i know the piano isnt the greatest and if i get around o mastering it ill fix dat piano
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.