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Tetris Remixiated [FINAL]

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Author Comments

Note: [FINAL] tags are always a bit unreliable. I might well be coming back with edits. Anyway...

This is it, peoples! I've been workin on this for well over two weeks, and I've ended with this. I've learnt so much from this project, it's been worth it.

If you're going to vote zero, at least give a review/tell me why you did so. Unless you're a zero-bomber, in which case there's not much I can do about that.

This is by far the song I'm most proud of. So far.


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Lots of questions for ya!

First one, why did you tweak the pitch at 1:17? It was interesting, and though I didn't personally like it, I have to say it was well done.

Second, how did you do that effect at 2:06 and what's it called? That is one effect I could really use, and it would be really nice to know wh.at is it and how to use it so that I can add it to my arsenal.

Third, what's up with the intro? Nice effect, what's it called?

Good song and the only thing that's stopping me from giving you all ten stars is that one little pitch tweak that messes with my psyche!

Nice job!

Angel of Peace }A{

PoisonSky responds:

OK, well I used FL Studios 9.0, first of all. So these plugins and sounds and stuff will be in FL Studios.

I tweaked the pitch because I felt like it, basically :3 I don't much know why.

The effect at 2:06 is epic Love Philter usage. I tweaked the settings, then put a few automation clips in to make it change the modulation X from low to high, then back to low. (as you can hear).

The third is Tiny Blip, in Sytrus under Short Synth, with some extra reverb.

Anyway, thanks for the review :D

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jan 13, 2010
3:21 PM EST
File Info
3.3 MB
2 min 23 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.