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DJ CGL - Fire At Will

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Author Comments

Well, this song was intended for my megaman fanfic I'm working on. Initially, when he is introduced into the story, he is battling Quickman and instead of winning, get's schooled. It's a short scene, and I figured that it would be good to have a short battle theme for it. The bang at the end is where he Cheap Shot's his opponent, BTW. well, I'd like to know what you all think of this.

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Good start...what?!

The begining was kinda cool, I liked the guitar, but when the other sounds came, my brain almost exploded. Nah man Im joking, good work.

crazyguylink responds:

ty, but maybe i should have eased off the synth a little


It's cool but, i don't know why but it sounds like shit at the same time.

Good song but terrible sounds.


crazyguylink responds:

I took a listen to it again. I think i went a little overboard with the synth

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jan 10, 2010
1:46 AM EST
File Info
1.6 MB
1 min 46 sec

Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *
Share Alike:
If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one.

*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.