I thought it was kinda funny right after the tongue twister. "Oh my gawwwwd"
It sounded legitly like 2 people which can be hard. The guy below me doesn't really understand complicated things like what "voice acting" means. >_>
Your host for the show is DJ Beat-spinna-ryda-OG-Montg omery
With a guest interview of Peter Piper.
This show's gonna be sick boys and girls!
For some reason, since I was a kid, I've been able to do this tongue twister very well. Don't expect any others though.
I thought it was kinda funny right after the tongue twister. "Oh my gawwwwd"
It sounded legitly like 2 people which can be hard. The guy below me doesn't really understand complicated things like what "voice acting" means. >_>
I really don't think voice acting belongs on ng but w/e its just my opinion, and you spelled "tongue" wrong and the voice of the wigga or black guy was very annoying
And yet there's an entire genre devoted to it.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.