this is creativly hot. lol
Basically I got my new Mic (Blue Snowball) And my 6 year old sister wanted a go, I put autotune on and she had no Idea anything was happening so I recorded her talking, tweaked it a little and made some background music.
I hope you enjoy it :)
(P.s the backing vocalist is me)
this is creativly hot. lol
Inspired me to make a song like this!
Haha you are too kind
Well good luck!
Coolio :D
Really cool. Funny and cute about the fact that you made a song from your sister unknowningly
Haha she knew mate, shes 6 years old and wanted to try my new mic
I put autotune on but she didnt notice the difference
But thanks man :D
Real good
Not bad at all, You got a good voice bruh. and I found it cute with your sis singing too x].
Though i think I'm mishearing the lyrics a little but, overall It's pretty good.
I listened to this for a nice good half-hour. Respect Bruh. Great job
Haha she wasent singing, she was talking :)
The lyrics are:
So what do I say, No
I'm sorry Zee zee, my voice isent doing anything
But yeah much appreciated man.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.