like the weird rythm, dunno why you panned the kick tho
Thought I would put SOMETHING up for the new year. Nothin' too fancy here. Some nice bass tho imo.
I don't know how long it will be til I can update this. The computer I use to mix on is needed more by someone else right now ... so I will be going without music-making for a while. but this song here is sounding nice. I hope to come back to it some day ^___^
like the weird rythm, dunno why you panned the kick tho
I fuck with the beat very nice
dude that main synth you made is really cool. i think you have some delay on it that sounds good. at 2:02 i feel you made a mistake on that higher note, and i felt it needed to be fixed.
man my head kept going in a thousand different directions with what this song couold be.
i felt that at 1:55ish that highhat should have come in a few bars early and at that part there could have been a high energy trance synth that came in with high portamento and longer less plucky notes that followed the same pattern as your main lead.
^_______^ I am very happy to hear you enjoyed this one. I have too. Duely noted and agreed upon the 2:00 mark. it was one of the first things I fixed after I put this on NGs (ya know, one of those mistakes that slips through and 'sounds' good for some reason when you have to project open ... maybe that's just me). Sadly at present, inspiration and direction escapes me on this one. I think the biggest thing I am wanting to hear is a change in direction with the percussions (ie: everything but the kick) - but its one of the most time-consuming areas of making a high energy song for me. But I won't give up on this one b/c I do enjoy it as well. I will keep you posted.
starts of with allot of motion< which is great. nice build> and that synth that comes in at 50 is so deep and razor sharp, i love it. Nice beat, everything fits really nice, also nice touch with effects. keep up the good work.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.