Absolutely beautiful!
If I had to be in love with one tune, it would be this one.
There's just so much emotion in it!
So, here is my next track. Unfortunately only a demoversion.
I hope I can finish this track but my motivation is the problem.
I hope you can give me some Suggestions that can help to make this track better, too.
Please vote and/or review. ^_~
Absolutely beautiful!
If I had to be in love with one tune, it would be this one.
There's just so much emotion in it!
It's really good. Please finish it as soon as possible!
Too bad i don't have wings. I could fly forever while listening to this song. Good song :]
Oh my god
This is so nice! I'd really like to hear the finished version :P
Mal wieder ein sehr schönes Stück deiner Musik, warte jetzt schon auf die fertige Version davon. ;)
Viel mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen, höchstens, dass die Strings im Hauptteil ein bisschen tiefer müssten, was auch einige vor mir schon erwähnt haben. Weiter so!^^
5/5; 10/10
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.