Cool :)
Not such a bad idea to a song. I quite enjoyed it. Still, it has some problems in it.
I'll start with the drums. The beat is pretty good, but it plays for too long in the song, is way too loud, and overpowers the main melody too much. I only heard about 3 or so drum samples used, so try and vary those too.
The main tune repeated itself quite a lot throughout the song. It's relaxing, and the instruments you chose are perfect, but it got a little boring to hear after repeating itself so much.
The ending sounds like it would make a good loop, but there was some silence after which made it a song. I think as a loop, it would sound better, or at least give it a good note to end with if you really want a song instead.
Transitions were done very well, and I didn't find even one transition which felt off. Also, the song fit very well with the name, so good choice of the name.
There are some defects in this song, especially the fact that it's very repetitive, but the melodies themselves are very good, so keep up the good work :).
5/5 - since this really got 0-bombed O_o.
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