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NS- Fear Feeder (Instrumental)

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Author Comments

It's been a long time coming since the demo of this song, it's evolved alot since then: it's gotten faster, it used to be 171 bpm and now it's at 212 bpm; the verse riff and chorus have been changed but the concept is still the same and the bass riff has been completely revised.

Everything is real instruments. The drums are by me and were recorded in one go in one take. The guitars and bass were recorded by our bands bass player who's been playing bass for 2 years and guitar for 1 year and a half. Everything was mixed and mastered by me. Vocals will be added soon.

We've been working on this song for months, almost a year now. We've been recording this song for about 5-7 months, I can't remember exactly, but the amount of versions that we've recorded and scrapped is pretty much uncountable.

If your a zero bomber, listen to this: http://www.newgrounds.com /audio/listen/257003 =). I think you'll like it =D.

Thank you...
from you very own slut and his band...


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As amateur metal, this is good but not 10

There is plenty of potential to make this song most superb but that doesn't exactly mean it is. The talent shines out most definitely as does the robust writing and it almost makes it... but of course it gets repetitive and boring as hell. The riffs drone on and on like they won't ever stop and the drums, as excellent as they are, lowers down some tiers of poop.
It eventually becomes excruciatingly hard to listen to after the two minute mark, I cringe most ever not slightly. The performance drops and drops but the rounding off solo is actually compared to rest of the song quite good. Not saying I can do better or and shit but this might need a little improvement on nothing on the subject of being full of professionalism - just soundly good to listen to.
I hope you guys have matured as proper and former artists - this was a real great effort that I'm glad to see (i won't say hear). Well Done, despite the criticism I've stated.

netty-swobb responds:

This My first ever attempt at recording real stuff, so yh it's not great. There will be vocals soon so maybe that would make it less repetitive, i dunno. Thanks for listening and reviewing. ;)


good to hear some real shit. well recorded, keeps high quality. sounds good so far. are you the one making vox to this one?

netty-swobb responds:

Nah i'm not, it's my mate and my bands bassist and former vocalist sam :). We've already recorded most of the vocals. Should be done by tommorow or the day after :)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jul 30, 2009
2:13 PM EDT
Heavy Metal
File Info
3.4 MB
3 min 41 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.