It’s over, Anakin...
Nc Productions - 2009
Here's a new beat ~ Hope you like .
2 chorus 1 verse
Enjoi 'n' Peace out
It’s over, Anakin...
different but.................
i can fux wit it, sounds some would dare to use but Im glad to see wut u can do with said sounds.
""Hella hard ""
Review Words 4 U :
Cool SH!#
Bad A$$
2010 Sound
# 1 Fav
Thankyou & Newgrounds
I like the gangsta feel you have in your songs
Man, this song is a kick-ass gangsta beat, it has a very synthetic instrument sound to it which gives a gangsta feel to this song. But I think I prefer the other sounds like the horns (or guitar, saxophone?) at 0:12 that give a much more funk feeling to it, I like it alot, it gives a more urban feeling in the air, like New York in the '70s, catch ma drift? And that makes quite a discrete but interesting mix; synthetic gangsta with '70s New York funk, quite interesting indeed... On both sides you managed to master the instruments relativaly well... I never really enjoy saying this when it comes to typicaly NG music because of course it's not amazing professional music, but hey; this is NewGrounds, and here, young creative people show what they have and what they can make, and I like it, so as I was saying: On both sides, you managed to master the instruments relativaly well.
This song makes me think of an entrance for a character, I can easily picture a scene where, at the end of a road, we see a man coming up, torwards us (the camera), the image is slightly blury. Then I can picture a few slow-motion scenes close to him, where you see him light a smoke, and take a breath out of it. Then, another possible scene; we follow a man dressed in a large trenchcoat and fedora sideways, in a certain way like this we can see the buildings to the man's right, which at 0:12, start blowing up in slow-motion, but the man just keeps walking calmly...
There goes my usual review, with the usual scene that goes with it,
Keep making this kind of music,
I can never catch that...
What is it that gets said at the beginning of so far 4 of your songs that I know of?
Something like "Go ahead and set the battleships" or something like that...Sounds like some strange shit to me...
But still you got a pretty sweet bit of music here, man...
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.