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Lone X - Heartbeat

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Author Comments

I had a dream and in that particular dream, I was sinking in the ocean. I wasn't struggling at all to survive. I was calmly sinking to my watery grave, watching as the blue ocean turned dark and black as I sank deep below. When the watery abyss engulfed my body and I can see no light, my ears tuned into a faint sound that grew louder. My beating heart. It was calm as if it wanted to be down in the ocean, surrounded by darkness. This song was influenced by my dream. Enjoy and vote. <3

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Your description provides a very vivid imagery when coupled with this track.
The bass is sufficient yet not overdone. Overall, the track flows really smoothly and provides a decent listen.

In short, I like :)

P.S., NG sure is filled with lots of douches nowadays, huh? *pokes below*

Lone-X responds:

Thanks for the review, lol, douches are everywhere in this world

cool shit man : ]

it's really cool and it match your dream but the voice syth could use work i say something other then the FL voice mybe go over your own voice with a filter.

Lone-X responds:

Thats good advice. A real voice would sound smoother and nice. I think when its time to redo this song, I'll add real vocals. Thanks man.


way to use the sytrus foo

(we all do it )



its ok. you dont make music often, do you?

To many noticeable sounds.

Sequencers and the lot from sytrus. But it does fit your dream description. It's not a good song, but it fits accordingly. It's just a song for being.

Credits & Info

4.37 / 5.00

Jul 27, 2009
9:34 PM EDT
File Info
3.9 MB
4 min 15 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.