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Author Comments

One of my few, diligently worked on songs

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Shit waffels and tuna

i am giving this 4/10 only because its starts off like a missing level of sonic the hedgehog (which i kinda liked) and ends like stumbling homeless guy with one shoe on, drunk in the night. I feel as if you made up for the lack of effort by adding length. I give you credit for being unique but this seemed drug out and somewhat redundent.

electroskunk responds:

Well to tell you the truth the song is about drug use in america. a psychotic symphony in battle within itself, interrogating, or merely playing terror tactics to spin this intoxicated society into a high pitched falling wail.

but i do agree with you, at the time of making this song i really wasn't incredibly familiar with the program, the time is merely my way of learning how to transition properly and give me an easier movement frame.

i still am proud of this song as its one of the several that began my quest for internalizing measures. it is the hypnotizing sense of reality i try to capture.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jul 27, 2009
1:55 PM EDT
File Info
7.6 MB
9 min 32 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.