Hm, Don't really care for the instrumentation all that much, other than the Piano. The Square synths are out of place and the Saw Synths really take away from the actual song. The bass drum is too, um, well, it could be dialed back a bit.
I Made This Around the same time i made my J-E-N-O-V-A redux, enjoy!
Hm, Don't really care for the instrumentation all that much, other than the Piano. The Square synths are out of place and the Saw Synths really take away from the actual song. The bass drum is too, um, well, it could be dialed back a bit.
B work here
U saved the best part for last, it seems, but a bit late in the song. It feels like if its going into a different thing, but then it ends in a couple of seconds. The beat is still good. Good job!
It Was Supposed to loop at the very end. sorry XD
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.