Ein, zwei, drei uh-huh huh, I mean...
Eins, swine, cofferight, Stag-a-Meter------>
So, there's something called a Mew OTHER than Drew?
Hmmmm, who woulda known?
I always thought HE was the epitome of MEW-ness.
I'm not going to look further into what a Mew is in RL.
Although, I feel I should know what the hell it is, due to Tardom's CONSTANT ranting about Pokemon. Oh well, I never said I was the most observant Female in the bunch. Ah, our little Skype Family has taken a bit of a hiatus, eh?
No matter, strange minds think alike. I'm sure we'll all be together again soon enough. Thanks again for filling my ears with beautiful, random musical bits of goodness. You deserve a Crown for your efforts here at Newgrounds, that certain nameless, video upload site AND in in your everyday life. PLUS, you REALLY deserve a lifetime of stinky cheese.
Neither of which I can provide you with. Sorry.
*Beaver Tail Slaps and Pokemon Kitty Fur Clumps*
<3 Gaia <3