Well it's duke and you can't go wrong with that some good nice music here very nice sound here
So, this is just a remastered version, with some re-recorded guitar parts, of my old Duke Nukem cover. I couldn't edit the original submission since it now has 5000+ listens so I decided to upload it as a new song.
Anyways enjoy!
Check out the old version too:
http://www.newgrounds.com /audio/listen/134083
Well it's duke and you can't go wrong with that some good nice music here very nice sound here
nice job!
oh and darsqueak, dont you remember? that one never came out!
jokes aside, this kicks ass, just like the games
the best
this is the breast-uh-the best duke nukem remix iv ever heard xD
duke nukem plus rock music EPIICCC
fuckin epic DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!!!
I never played the game but this song makes me want to try it. I like the ending. Injteresting name u gave it. It reminded me of this review from a magazine talking about the progress for Duke Nukem Forever or something like that, which may not be finished any time soon and ur giving it the opposite name.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.