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Unknown Satisfaction-1/2Sample

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Author Comments

This song came to me in a dream, really. I really like it and this is my FIRST song on newgrounds, Hope you all like it. Please know that This is a SAMPLE so, the full version will come out when i complete it.
Thank you all again, and hope you like it.

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Got some potential here...

Sure the audio levels jump around a lot, and I'm sure there's some other technical stuff I know nothing about that's a little off, but I can hear the potential in this. With some streamlining and a little tweaking this could be really good. Just thought I'd let you know my opinion on it!

Not that brilliant

It won't set the world on fire. If the points I mention in the next paragraph aren't fixed in time for the real thing, it'll fail.

Too repeatative, same sounds, same melody, same drum beat... I don't care that its a sample. A sample should be like a showcase to make people go wow and give you loads of reviews and downloads and a better score. This lacks that wow factor. Also as Axe says it is a bit random and jumpy and no-one on here likes that unless it's well hidden somehow. In this case it's disproportionate. Smoothen note changes out.

Work in different melodies and check whats already out there at the top of the genre and work from there. That's the way to succeed, they all got there for a reason... And it's not saying 'You suck' to everyone or use the work 'crap' every line. You only make enemies doing that.

AxeFX below was telling you about what's wrong with the track at the moment for a low score. It was bigheaded to say and I quote 'IM BETTER THAN YOU AND MOST PEOPLE WHO START OFF WITH MUSIC. ' Let yourself down, your new yes. Doing that means you think of yourself too much. Way too much and that too means you will easilly make enemies.

Learn fast or you'll fall.

In the case of this song I feel the 3 is more than justified. It needs quite a bit of hard work and graft to do well. It needs a lot of improvement. I normally help out starting artists too. I have done in the past with advice. One artist got a number one here that I helped out. It's reviews like the one you gave me that make me more reluctant to help as you have over hyped yourself.

Maybe a better track next time?


blackmage312 responds:

Least you did a better response >>. Im not mad at you ^^. But its just cause i was bored that i entrerd it on newgrounds to see people's opinions. Alot of people liked it, who i showed too. Knowing that it was not perfected, Nor finished for what it is now its better than what i expected it to be and im proud. So i dont care what people say if it sucks or not. It doesent suck, Not as bad as other at least >>

Thanks for the comment and i will get better, Least you did a respective and not so mean one. thanks. I even changed it up a bit and made it longer, i fixed the audio levels and stuff so, by the time i do finish it will not be as bad as this was, but its still good as a it is, Sort of.

i hated it

Your kick is clipping, your volume levels are way out of whack. OW FUCK. You have no distinct melody at all, its random and bad. sorry. You need some serious practice, dude

not bad

I think this will turn on great.

blackmage312 responds:

Thank you! ^^ i will try my best on the full version, Which to me sounds just..Amazing. Keep commenting and Rating, thank you once again.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 16, 2009
10:10 PM EDT
File Info
1.7 MB
1 min 27 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.