This song is realy cool ;) >>>>>>>>MAKE MORE<<<<<<<
Well, this is my second song. I am absolutely in love with the way it came out. I got ideas from other songs to make this one, most notably "Reborn" by XsToRmEr1. Mid-way through making the track I realized that the melody I was writing was awfully familiar to something I've definitely heard before. So if anybody knows that song that has melody similar to mine, tell me to I can accredit the author of that. Other than that, please rate & review!
This song is realy cool ;) >>>>>>>>MAKE MORE<<<<<<<
MAN THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!! Fav'd u and downloaded! Thanks for the great song! 5/5 and a 10/10 ;P
full of happyness, sorta
sorry i took so long to respond to your message. this is actually really good. you were right. i would like it. makes me think of a really happy guy glissfully exploring some kind of happy forest. i have no idea why that image popped in my head, but thats what this makes me think of
it is a little repetitive, but its worth it since the melody is cool. that synth takes the cake
seriously, i can see great things coming from you. keep it up!! 4/5 9/10
The melody to this song is really happy and fun, the piano parts sound swell (but the intro is a tad repetetive), and the bass is nice and smooth. The transitions were a little shaky. The first 'pause' in the song sounded really cool, the second one just seemed like a bit of overuse of the pause to me.
Anyways, really creative melody you've got here. For being your second song, this is spectacular. Can't wait to hear more from you in the future.
Sexy Old Lady
I wouldn't be surprised to see this in game.
Very very well done.
Thanks for the review!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.