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Author Comments

I can't seem to get over my death metal vocal style, so said to myself "fuck it, I'm good at it so I'll stick with it". Anyway, the instrumentals follow more of a hard rock approach for the most part, with some punk verses thrown into the mix. The bass was done with a keyboard this time, as I'm on vacation and in a different state than the bassist.

Those of you who have listened to my other songs, you should be able to tell immediately that this is significantly shorter than usual. PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW! THANKS!!!


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lol sick dude. honestly if u had moar double bass it would be dethklok hahahaha.. but i like it. go check out my shit plox? but yeah dude keep it up. oh and less reverb on ur voice.

imperfectillusion responds:

Hey dude, thanks for the review. I'll be sure to check our your stuff. Maybe after I'm done drinking DUNCAN HILLS COFFEE. Anyway, point taken - less reverb. I'm planning on putting up another one in the next day or so.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Jul 6, 2009
1:39 PM EDT
Heavy Metal
File Info
3.3 MB
3 min 35 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.