Beyond epic
That's all I can say, loving it! XD
Made this a while ago. Thought i might upload it.
... So there.
Please rate/comment,
and thanks for listening as always.
Beyond epic
That's all I can say, loving it! XD
this brings me back...
this is the most amazing tune ive heard, ever.
the tune, it just...brings me back to old game times, when you were on an icey mountain and the day came to an end by each step you took.
amazing. this is art, right here...
I like it pretty well, and u have another artist to comment, lol F-777 that is. i like the sound where its like crystals reforming or combining... least thats what the movies use sounds like that for, its kindof like epic calmness... like on the road b4 the final fight
This is really good! Loving the mastering/filtering on this one and you captured a great ambienceistic feel with this yet grabbing an aggressive mood with the strings. I love it. Downloading now =).
Very professional sounding and i love it!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.