very nice
This song was a mindful, hope everyone likes it. Wasn't sure what genre this would go in.
(Co-credits ihaveyourdog and J-Envy)
very nice
Very Well Done
However I believe this isn't exactly in the right genre. However besides that everything was seemingly flawless, the background music got a little repeative but not in a bad way. It sounded nice, by perhaps a change in beat somewhere in the middle 2:30ish area could make it better sounding.
I like this but,,,
As good as this was. I personally think this is more hip - hop, pop kind of music, Definately not industrial. Electric guitar has been used in pop, and hiphop before...
The beat was nice I mean I liked the tune, its just the wrong genre
however the actual music, very nicely composed, the xylophone is perfectly done in lighter tones, And I like how that light and innocent instrument kinda contrasts the darkness and (not so) innocence of the guitar.
A great effort here - keep the smooth tunes flowing :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.