hell for something made out of boredom this is awesome don't doubt yourself it brings suffering
No not intro as in title screen, intro as in intro song of the campaigns. I didn't think this is that great, mainly because I made it in like 30 minutes, I MAYBE will work on it, this was just made out of boredom, nothing real serious.
Tell me what you thought though.
hell for something made out of boredom this is awesome don't doubt yourself it brings suffering
awesomeness!! :3
hey it would be cool if you mabe one for l4d2!!! this one is awesome though. full of awesomeness!!! and if it was longer it might break my awesomeness meter. coz this as it is the now almost broke it!!!!
Whenever I hear or see left4dead
It makes me want to play left4dead all day. Espically left4dead 1. 5/5 10/10 for remix
Needs more
HAMMER!! Awesome work. So close to the dark techno genre that I ever love so much. No, I am not emo/goth/vampire/lame.
It's very good !
It's really remind me the famous song of L4D lol ! Good job !
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.