It's quite unfortunate that someone like you is behind a song against US-funded training of Latinamerican police and military forces. I'll assume your political ideals sway to the left. Nothing wrong with that. The problem lies in the fact that you assume left-wingers in latinamerica are the same as civilized left-wingers in the rest of the world, and that's not the case. We don't want people like Chavez, Ortega, or Castro in power, let alone puppets like Zelaya. Left-wing extremist scum is better off dead.
You, of course, don't live here and don't understand the need for a right-wing conservative dictatorship, the kind that comes in flavors of Pinochet and Somoza, the kind that's shunned for so-called "human rights abuses" (social purging would be more appropriate) while they make their respective countries progress economically and culturally. The US used to back such governments until idiots like Jimmy Carter came along and created instability. I'll take military dictatorships over communism -anyday-.
Might also want to lookup the atrocities that the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) has committed, the same group that's linked to drug trafficking in south america, the one that's funded by Chavez' and Ortegas' governments.
Other than that, song's decent.