Hey man I hope the score hasn't brougth you down I think this is a pretty good song and deserves at least a three. Don't let the trance fags bring you down keep it up!
This is a rough version of what is to become. I plan on re-EQing the bass, turning up the vocals, and adding a female vocal track. For now, however, please rate and comment.
Hey man I hope the score hasn't brougth you down I think this is a pretty good song and deserves at least a three. Don't let the trance fags bring you down keep it up!
Everything's there, but some minor things really do need to be tweaked/re-recorded.
Not everything lined up perfectly: drums, vocals, and guitar didn't always sync up correctly. Minor mistakes in a few places on most of the tracks
The bass could be lower in the mix. Try overdriving it or distorting it a little bit to add texture.
I don't know if it's just me, but the drum track at 2:30 needs some work, it just doesn't fit.
The synth was a nice touch that added a bit of needed flavor.
Vocals were basically perfect though.
Sounds pretty good!
Just needs a better job on the mix overall i think
Drums seem a little sloppy at times
Vocals are really quiet
Don't like the synth behind the drums in the intro
Guitar sounds good, maybe too quiet though?
Hope I was helpful ;)
P.s. If you have the time, come check out my new song. I could always use a review! :) n/251757
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.