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-Kakariko Village-

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So, here comes another Twilight Princess song. This time it's the new Kakariko Village theme. Not an extremely hard piece to make, but still very soothing and peaceful. Enjoy.

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whay can i say...

this is amazing!!!! :D this is deffinetly one of the best remixes i have ever heard but... i have to agree with cfast you could do with a better choice of instruments.

but other than that GREAT JOB DUDE!!!

bigjonny13 responds:

Thanks man, glad you enjoyed.

Not bad

I suggest toying round with less cheap sounding sounds tho aheh...but it's still not murder to the ears, and it's quite accurate.
The original is best imo- I mean the kakariko village theme from ocorina o' thyme. You could say, I'm requesting it.

Y'know, one of my most prized posessions is a factory-sealed, mint condition twilight princess GC game. Yum.

bigjonny13 responds:

Mint condition, factory sealed eh? Delicious.
And I'll take your advice for future references.

It's alright.

I don't really like the choice of instruments, and the notes could use a bit of tweaking, but it has potential.

bigjonny13 responds:

Thanks for the review man. I'll take your critique for future references.

Alright, but needs work.

It sounds a bit too...twangy. Thats the best adjective I can come up with right now. Smooth it out more. Nothing quite as harsh. Other than that, really good.

bigjonny13 responds:

Thanks for the review man. I'll take that into consideration for future reference.


No offense, but i think its missing the calm and tranquil feeling that this song should have! Also not all the tunes were correct, and it was a bit shaky.

I'm not trying to put you down of course, but i think it could've been a bit better.

I've made my own version of this song too, wanna check it out perhaps? Its on my channel, freshly loaded up.

bigjonny13 responds:

Alright, I'll keep that in mind and use that advice for upcoming audio pieces.

Credits & Info

3.56 / 5.00

Jun 29, 2009
4:56 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
1.4 MB
1 min 31 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.