i thought the vocal recording and guitar were recorded pretty good, but one think that is a must is knowing the tempo of the song to sync it to the track. a metronome helps. it helps to cut the song to a beat since at the beginning of the might be out of timing since there are no rhythm elements yet. the high hats were dead on for this one for the majority of the track. you mixed it pretty well because you didnt dominate the track and her words were still clear. you lead synth could stand to be turned down some. yes it is really hard to slice a song so that it stays on tempo if its wavering in that way. sometimes you will find that the best solution to this is manually playing it instead of letting midi note lanes do the work, otherwise it involves some tricky timeline shifts.
2:20 and 1:30 really need some work. melody wise and rhythm wise.
ruthie's voice was really nice, she sounded natural and unstrained. nice recording as well.
the percussions on this were a good selection.
for your first with vocals im impressed. but yes mixing vocals into the mix is not as simple as mixing synths, its adds a more organic saturated sound that can throw alot of mixes off.
decent work.
you should sample some things from her. for more practice. :D
this gets a 7 from me because 1. your work is at a different place than it was when you first started so i cant give you a 10 lol, and also a 7 because of the slight mixing problems andtiming issues, even though there wasnt much you could help. an honest well earned 7, for mixing vocals better than 65% NG users...probably giving them too much credit.