mixing style & etc...
i have been wondering who my 101st review would go to!
so i am realizing this is the most "traditional" mixing style i have heard in a while, such as instruments & voices being on left only and right only. this is very important in mixing but you might want to automate the paning to go back and forth on some things like sweeps for example. one thing you accomplished well in this piece was separation within the stereo space, which is something i get onto with people alot because they cant hear how mono everything is.
i hear something interesting. side chaining on a pad! i like this.
the boiling, bubbly, rainy, samples you have in here are really cool! great idea.
you did a great job making this song sound complete, it all seemed very full. i would have chosen a different kick but for the kick you did have, you made it sit nicely in a different spot than your bass frequency so it sounds distinct still. great mixing & eq.'ing on this song for the most part.
interesting stuff :)
keep up the work, this is good stuff i gave you a 4 :D