I enjoy it... NO I HATE IT! I'd like to leave a review: It's a nice song. You could improve it by teaching me the ways of FL Studio so I can start helping. My vote is-
5/5 10/10
I've been working on this for 2 hours, and it's not done yet!
I still got to make a breakdown and build-up, but I don't know on how that should sound next...
So if someone is willing to help me or wants to collab, it'll be really appreciated!
Enjoy or hate, and leave reviews, on how I could improve myself please!
And do not forget to vote as well!
I enjoy it... NO I HATE IT! I'd like to leave a review: It's a nice song. You could improve it by teaching me the ways of FL Studio so I can start helping. My vote is-
5/5 10/10
Yeah I will, no problem. :D
Thx fatrat.
very diffrent melody in the begining but i love it i like the piano that comes in and the the violin everything is really nice it reminds me of mountains and wind for some reason
but anyhow
awsome job
I tried something new, I am glad it worked out. :D
Thanks for the review chloe! ;)
Hey man
I was checking teck071's newer songs, and i saw your comments, i was like hmm this guy has some good points. So i got here, and you're not bad kid. You have a good sense for melodies and synths. Everything comes together nicely, the bass synth that comes in at 0.48 maybe goes a little too low, i would limit that with the EQ or use a filter on that, maybe made it sligtly quieter. Other than that i like it.
Just suggestions, im no expert. Anyway i like it, i'll be sure to check your stuff in the future, im gonna check your previous works too.
If you want you can check my songs out, im not good though, and they only recently started to suck less.
5/5, see you around
Well thank you!
I'll fix the bass with some EQ work, it's a mistake I see now.
I'll be sure to check the works of you as well, and review them.
Thanks for the review! ;)
It's okay
but it sounds like lot of little loops putted together.. the piano ! is AWESOME.. and the flute in the BG og whatever it is.. gj on this!
5/5 ;)
It may sound like little loops because I have not yet made a 2dn mellody on the lead.
Great that you liked the flute, I don't know what it is either though, just some lead out of Nexus... xD
Thanks for the review!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.