you got my vote
I'm going to admit to the people of newgrounds. My music sucks, hell I dont even know how the genre of techno goes, trance ect.
But I would Love to get some useful piece of advice. Hopefullly...
This song Im going to put all out on remastering over and over again fixing it possiblly all the time. Regardless of any musical inspiration I have during the mean time. I will try to utizlize to the best of my abilities to get at least a LITTLE bit better. I've come a long way and I've been getting shit shit and more shit.
So heres V1 Of Abandoned. En-fucking-joy.
V2 Of Abandonded, tweaked the sounds which was albit too loud (Got new speakers and made everything that I heard before louder so I dont know for you, but for me everything was out of wack).
you got my vote
Thank youu :D I'm glad you like it :)
Ass Kicking!
Who's giving you shit? Not me, that's for sure! This track kicks some serious ass!
Lol thanks man
Appericate the review
Good Job
I Beg to Differ Hydra590 techno alot of the time uses piano i hope you have heard of dj-execute but he has made some of the best techno/electronica music i have ever heard in my life and this song was really great 15/15 :D
THanks man, I really love pianos and stuff XD
I need to look them up asap
Thanks for the review!!
I'm dancing
This is awesoome! :D Love it too much ^^
Im glad you doo =3
I like it..
I like what you did with the drums in the background at about 1:16... I would bring that out more often! And... lighten up! You're doin' fine!
Thanks :D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.