hahah holie shit
that was soo wooden.. act out your shit, dont just read it
Lyrical Insomnia(Rap Duo) that consisting of artists:
Rav-iLL AKA Dope
Hyliss Tellz
Produced by: G-Styles
hahah holie shit
that was soo wooden.. act out your shit, dont just read it
Not bad.
I don't know man, I'm not feeling this one that much. It's a bit too much on the slow side. G-styles made a really laid back beat here, so laid back that the dope and Tellz would need to bring a bit more intensity to their voices. I get what you're trying to do with this one, but it isn't quite what you were going for. Keep at it, you've got a couple of decent tracks already, but this one just isn't quite working as well as you'd hope. But meh, it happens, I've had several bad tracks lol.
Lyrically you guys were fairly decent, I will give you that, and Dope, did you recently get a new set-up and I missed it? Your quality seems to be quite a bit better recently.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.