Nice trance song. Calm, relaxing, and very well done. Nice work :-)
Probably the most complicated song i have uploaded. It is still a work in progress. Hope you enjoy it!
Nice trance song. Calm, relaxing, and very well done. Nice work :-)
Nice Song!
This is a pretty cool new type of trance music! It had a great percussion beginning, and a nice melody along with a cool key and combination of instruments. All in all, great song!
P.S. Thanks for putting me on your favorite artists list! Even though my songs suck.
Hi Vertigo,
Well I have a feeling that funky fx sound took you quite some time to make. Anyway, here is what I have to say.
1) A unique fx sound. Never heard of it before. I'm talking about the sound at the beginning of the song.
2) The bass sounds excellent. Nuff said.
3) Me like the percussion. Very simple and not too crowded keeping the instruments as the main feature.
4) 0:54 the new lead instrument is pretty nice. I like the panning and filter modifications going on.
1) So I'm for originality, but that bass pattern is so overused. I think its a very catchy simple pattern but to use it in the entire song is a big no no for me. Of course, we all have our opinions so this won't even effect your score I give you.
2) 1:50 I didn't like that new instrument that pops up. It sounds detuned bringing a dissonance sound I'm not too fond of. Sounds a bit cheesy too.
3) Well the song is repetitive. Trance is supposed to be repetitive I guess, but that's something about trance I don't like. Again, this is strictly opinion and won't even effect your score. However, I would appreciate you you made a non repetitive trance song.
Overall, I like how you are trying to make a complicated. This is only a demo, so I'm expecting you got a lot of surprises in the final version. If you can somehow make that unique sounding fx at the beginning of the song more in tune to the bass as well as make a less generic sound at 1:50 than that would be great. Also the demo is already 4 minutes 25 secs long! I'm interested in what more you can add? Hopefully it doesn't turn out into a 16 minute song or anything like that. Here is a 5/5 vote and 8/10 review since a demo.
Bye for now
Hey Music-story!
Thanks for the review i really appreciate it!
i waddled (clicked) over to your page and listened to some of what you have made which really made your review coincide with what you have produced. I did find your take on music quite profound and i hope i can learn a bit from what you have uploaded.
There is quite a bit or work i need to put into this yet, and as you can probably tell there are no transitions in this song at all haha. just took something, looped it, and plopped it down around the area i felt sounded best.
With the acid line i was having a bit of trouble finding out exactly how i wanted this to feel. I could have either added a more intense synth or a lighter synth. I experimented with both options and felt this song sounded better with the lighter melody you heard at 1:50.
For the bass i will be changing it to follow the melody that pops in at 1:50
For the acid and melody syth i will probably be keeping them as to me they sound great together even though they both follow two separate note progressions.
Really I am just experimenting and learning from what comes out. If you check out any of my previous submissions they are all over the place in mood and style hahaha.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.