This gets me moving! :P
Lyrics (So you can sing along!!):
Around the sun
Yes, we fly around the sun, feel the heat of her flames
Yes, we kiss around the sun, cooling lips again-again and
No one helps us, now we´re lost in nowhere
We´re fly in our grave, nothing brings us to earth.
We fly around the sun, houston still close the line,
yes, we kiss around the sun, no one knows that program
We are lost in nowhere, you and me still alone
We will die in our grave, but the love will hold on.
This gets me moving! :P
I absalutly love this! Its so fun! I swear, im about to randomly start dancing! 10 stars! And a Fave!!
Hey lol This is fun music!
I really like what you've done. How did you get the voice? It it reminds me a little bit of Crazy Frog. Anywayz, its a bit of fun music.
The voices are like acapellas. Thanks for the good review!!!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.