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Hard 'N' Happy (DJI Mix)

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Full title: Hard 'N' Happy (DJ Infinity's Snap-Up Mix) - KevWillow7

This is quite possibly the best tune I have EVER made! The main melody actually came from a guy (KevWillow7) on YouTube who submitted a video which was a tutorial of how to make a Styles & Breeze melody. The result was a tune that just set my heart alight... I had to remix it!

As far as I know, he only made the tune for the tutorial, but ALL CREDIT GOES TO HIM FOR THE MELODY AND BASSLINE WHICH I HAVE EMULATED.

He didn't have a name for the tune, so I just called it what it is... Hard 'N' Happy!! =D
Hope you all love this song as much as I do! Keep it hardcore!

P.S. Reviews greatly appreciated =)

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Uk-y indeed

im a little more into the oldskool rave kind of feel but this song is actually pretty neat.
repetitiveness is a minor problem since most of these songs dont have half as many breaks as this song...
like the kick sound and the synths and pads
but all those fx make the song for me i looove them:D
any ways 9/10 and 5/5 you should check my songs out:P little less happy and more hard ooooor happy indeed and no hard at all:P

DJ-Infinity responds:

Heh heh, yeah repetitiveness is always a problem for me, but don't worry I will sort it eventually.

Seeing as you took the time to check out my song, I will certainly check out some of yours =) Thanks! (especially for the vote score!)


Kewl, wasn't expecting to find a Uk Hardcore track in the audio adverts. I seen Kevs vids aswell. I think the video was mainly aimed at how you should sequence the rhythm of the melody rather than the actual notes.

It's a awright tune, the beat is pretty fucking hard which is good. I feel that there could have been more in the track to make it fuller like snare/clap, maybe a piano, arps, pads, something going on in the midrange.

It's pretty long for what it is, hardcore songs don't really last that long if they're not vinyl/cd cuts. I think this track could've done with a more simple structure of intro, build, chorus, break, chorus, outro which I think this track actually was, but they need to have more individuality and more punctuated, especially in rave genres like this. Like, have more than one melody such as an intro melody that gives a taste of what the main melody is, then the main melody kicking in in the chorus and a break melody, rather than just pitching up the chorus melody which seems like a cheap way to extend the song.

meh i talk too much about the flaws of the track, this is a good tune.

DJ-Infinity responds:

Hi, xKore. Thanks for your review.

Yes, I think there could have been more drums and other instrumentals put in, but I really wanted this song to be focused on the main melody I was remixing, rather than any other additions such as arps and pads.

As for pianos, I am yet to master a sample I have to use to create my own piano melodies as I am using a damn low grade piece of software compared to FruityLoops and Cubase, etc.

I like to keep my songs quite short and as unrepetitive as possible, because people keep saying there is a lot of repetition in my music. As you can see from the last review, I have still not got it quite right yet =P

I did not want the structure to be too conventional; as an artist I am probably still in the experimental stages of my own styles in pretty much everything. I also like to make structures and sounds as unique as possible to distinguish myself.

Now that you say that pitching up the song is cheap, I agree as it is just moving the notes up of what you already have. Nevertheless, I cannot resist a 2 semitone pitch-up as I find it just so uplifting in a happy tune like this =D

You could say I am pretty selfish with my music actually, but I guess its up to everyone else whether they like it or not. Even this review is selfish! Count the "I's" >.>

Anyway, thanks again for you review! Dont stingy on the critiques either, it gives me more to go and work on =)

WAY to repeative:(

Its happy indeed. And hardcore as well:P
I must admit that the melody is nice, and the melody is quite catchy!
Although you should put some more variation into the track. There isn't one point in the song where the kick is is replaced by some breakbeat or anything new. Its just one song with a kick going all the way through the track.
What you with the kick at 2:42, though, was pretty damn neat, and I love what you did with the melody at 2:47.
Also, you should try and make a break, and put a secondary melody in it. In that way you'll keap your song interesting:)
I'll definately give the rest of your songs a listen though, as this was quite neat. It's definately better then alot of the other tracks people put up on new grounds.
i voted 4 and 8:)
Try n' put some variation in there, and i might give you a perfect score:P

(thanks for the reviw btw! it's greatly apriciated!)

DJ-Infinity responds:

Right, now that you have said that, I think I know why it is too repetitive. I wont change anything on this tune because this is meant to be based on Breeze & Styles hardcore and they dont really use breaks as far as I know.

I will however, use breaks in my next mix and bring in a new melody =) I've been wanting to use the amen break which I have got off the internet recently, so I'll be slicing that up for ya soon =P

Variation is a tricky thing, but one day I will get it. Thanks for your review! People like you make people like me better musicians!

Nice Riff

Not bad at all, The song sounds familiar is it one fr he heard off a CD?

Nice build ups throughout the song, only thing I would of changed.... - I'd of had a section where the baseline changes lets say on the 4 th bar (only my opinion though)

A well made track in my mind though... Have a look at my trance track "Civilised Society" you might like it, its similar style of music :)


DJ-Infinity responds:

Nah, this is only off a video on YouTube (see description), as far as I know.

I thought about putting a last note variation on the last bar of each full melody sequence, but i felt that it just sounded outta tune after that.

And I will indeed check out your trance track =) Thanks for your review!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 9, 2008
5:47 PM EDT
File Info
3.9 MB
4 min 52 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.