=o I donĀ“t creed
My god is the thing with i quest all of this years
this took along time to practice, it was made... awhile ago...
my brother and I put this together, we played it on the keyboard, then edited it, then... decided to post it here, I love yoshi, he was my favorite character in the original smash bros. enjoy!
=o I donĀ“t creed
My god is the thing with i quest all of this years
Definitely Yoshi-worthy!
Oh so many memories...
This track is definitely just as good as the original, if not better.
Keep up the good work!
OMG!!!!!! This sounds exactly as the game, I'm honestly thinking that, Keep up the good work and you just earned your self 5/5 icon...thing.
Oh the memories this thing brings... Every Mario game since then that hasn't had Yoshi just seems flawed. Yoshis are by far my joint favourate games character (although, he was slightly naff in SSB) and the only person that can get my heart racing more than a Yoshi is Link. A real tribute for all Yoshi fans out there.
this is my fav song of all time!
it always makes me think of yoshis island but im pretty sure its really on smw for snes. and dude! thats awesome to hear u use yoshi. im a big fan of smash and on the n64 yoshi was my guy. everyones like omg yoshi sucks blah blah blah. but no i was an unstoppable force. u would not move unless i smacked u there. i think they made yoshi significantly worse on brawl. haven't really mastered him yet... but i like king dedede.
but yea lol nice song. hard to believe a person(s) is playing here. i can play like the first 6 notes of this song lol. the melody is addicting... saria's song is another good one.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.