(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)
you have aimed directly at my heart with this one, as this is a style i love dearly and grew up hugely into. i can't play guitar so my attempts at flirting with it in my own music end up being focused on a different angle. i could definitely envision some disaffected singing and screaming over the top of this too!
altogether i love what you've done here! there's several different ideas that i feel are individually executed well and authentically; the guitar tones sound great and the drumset lines feel solid. one thing that stands out to me though is that it would all gel better if the sections were less separated, transitioned into and out of more organically. each one kinda has its own energy level, which is great, but there could be more of an arc to the song without pauses; they feel kind of like individual movements. additional instrumentation or layers could also help make the climactic parts feel bigger and more cathartic.
as for the artwork, i think you picked a good style to match with this person and the style they're drawn in. it's easy for me to imagine that they'd be heading out to a show to listen to this tonight.