(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)
altogether i appreciated the loose, unquantized feel of this song, although there are some moments where it feels noticeably off, like in the rushed snare drum fills that lead into new phrases. if they were recorded live, just a bit of adjustment by cutting up the waveform might help, or re-recording just that bar until it feels right. in any case, in this respect the slipperiness of the music pairs well with the surreal, psychedelic perspective of the artwork inspiration. i would've expected to hear a lot more electronic sounds evocative of sci-fi here, but it's an interesting, trope-defying take still!
i like your very free sense of harmony here too, which is similarly slippery. i feel like the music could've developed more though, either in the form of adding new, related music or just taking some of those ideas and giving them new lives, new contexts, more or less energy, changes in the speed of harmonic motion, etc -- this could make the 'free sense of harmony' bedazzle the listener instead of bordering on wandering around without an aim. the building blocks are all here for something really cool and unique though :o)