There are a lot of catchy beats and fun synth riffs here. I’m not a huge fan of some of your instruments, though - the clap at :11 is pretty generic-sounding and unpolished, for example. I like the frantic bass line and shimmering pads, but some of the other instruments in here sound very harsh and grating, like the one at 1:17.
A bigger problem is some of the abrupt transitions, like at :22 and 1:06. The main riff (1:28) gets a tad repetitive after a while, but it also doesn’t seem very interconnected with some of the other riffs, like the shimmering pads at 2:01. The result is that the arrangement of the piece feels very disjointed, and is mostly held together by the meandering bass line and popcorn snare. I’m going to challenge you to make a piece where, at moments of transition, you keep at least one or two of the harmonic instruments (i.e., not drums or bass) playing the same pattern on both sides of the transition. That should make your transitions smoother, or otherwise force you to make transitions more gradual and less jarring.
Otherwise, the production quality is pretty good, and the composition could stand to be a tad less repetitive. My main concern is the transitions/arrangement. Other than that, this piece is catchy and has a fun, quirky mood that helps keep me engaged. Keep at it, Athos! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score