Accurate representation of poopy thoughts
"So I have pretty bad anxiety and one of my favourite things to do in music is represent that anxiety, this song in particular I felt was a good opportunity (knocks) to tackle intrusive thoughts, because- well they suck.
In terms of “what I learned”, it was several things, first of all this track is microtonal, while not new for me, SINGING with microtonal music IS new for me, in fact technically singing in general is new to me so- guys im technically learning how to sing :nerd: I beat the challenge. Yeah microtonality is awesome.
another fun thing i’ve decided to experiment with is breathing IN while singing/speaking, its... strange, and very otherworldly which fits perfectly into this tracks theme of thoughts you really wish you didn’t have but have anyway cuz ur brains a bloody- nugget. Blehh..
I also got a new toy to play with, a funny midi controller, thanks to a certain chest that’s very restless who generously got one for me. *if you’re reading this, type “thanks, thanks, brain!” in chat!* anyways yeah that’s fun.
So that’s like 3 things iv learnt, 4 if you count singing in general. This song bio getting really long so stop reading it ya potato salad."
peace and silence
being mindless
doing whatever
thinking forever
cant hold back the thoughts forever but ill try
trying to meditate but my minds telling me..
what if.. something happened to you?
what if.. nothing belonged to you?
what if.. twitter had cancelled you?
what if.. no one ever respected you?
what if..?
what if..?
what if..?
what if..?
breath (many times)
Accurate representation of poopy thoughts
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.