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Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation - Anthem

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An anthem for the Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation (GCC) from a Baystation12 (Space Station 13 codebase).

Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation was formed after Terran Commonwealth started reforming into the Solar Central Government. As of now, Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation is a regional power in a cold war with SolGov.

This anthem was made for the Terran Commonwealth by a composer from Gilgamesh named D. Jerbolatović. But after GCC getting independence, it took the copyright of the anthem to itself forcing SCG to make its anthem.

GCC just adjusted the lyrics, but the instrumental itself was left intact:



We are the children of Terra's grace

Blessed by her bounty, guided by her embrace


With hearts full of pride, we stand

United as one, hand in hand

Children of Terra, hear our call

We stand together, never to fall


From Terra's soil, we've grown strong

Her gifts sustain us, all lifelong

Our spirit, unbreakable, undaunted

Our will, forever undaunted

Through trials and tribulations, we rise

With Terra's strength, we reach the skies

Our roots, unbreakable, deep and true

Our bond, forever with me and you


With hearts full of pride, we stand

United as one, hand in hand

Children of Terra, hear our call

We stand together, never to fall


With hearts full of pride, we stand

United as one, hand in hand

Children of Terra, hear our call

We stand together, never to fall


In times of need, we lend a hand

Our unity forever will stand

For Terra's grace, we do our best

Together, we can pass every test


With hearts full of pride, we stand

United as one, hand in hand

Children of Terra, hear our call

We stand together, never to fall


We are the children of Terra's grace

Blessed by her bounty, guided by her embrace

Forever we will cherish her lands and sea

Children of Terra, we will always be.

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Mar 17, 2023
6:13 PM EDT
File Info
7.4 MB
3 min 14 sec
  • FL Studio 20
  • Nexus 3

Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *
Share Alike:
If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one.

*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.