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Author Comments

"The creature is a small sparrow-like bird with a pale underbelly, rich brown feathers, and a stomach that glows like a miniature sun as it perches gently on Katie’s fingertips. Its wings flutter softly as it tweets, staring back into Katie’s twinkling eyes. The small bird pecks curiously at the seeds, taking a few from her palms.

More of them flutter down from the branches, hopping around on the stone at her feet. She can feel small stars perching on her shoulders and head, the glow of their little bodies sending warmth through hers. Something rich wells up in her heart, a deep warm ache throbbing in her chest and water building in her eyes.

Thick tears roll down her face as they take turns pecking softly into her palms for seeds and orbiting her with incremental hops, chirping like baby chickens. She sniffles and shudders, but the creatures don’t seem to care. Soon, the seeds are gone, but the birds do not leave. She rubs at her eyes, and not even that scares them away."

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This was so beautiful! I love how calm it is, and it really fits with the story you portrayed in the comments. Definitely feels like something that suits perfectly for little lights under a starry night sky. You're very good with emotional build up and release through the song, and the instruments you chose could not have been better as they are already perfect for the composition. Keep up the amazing work!!

Razorrekker responds:

Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Mar 12, 2023
6:51 PM EDT
File Info
6.5 MB
2 min 51 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.