I like the ominous mood at the beginning and the slidey bass. Some of the instrumentation is a bit cheesy, like the kick drum or the pads at :26, and at times the mix sounds a tad strained, like at :40. I’m a little torn about the tempo change at :55 - it definitely took a few passes for me to get used to it. At 1:55, the texture is a bit bottom-heavy and the mix sounds a bit overwhelmed again. The drop at 2:10 is especially minimal and grating, but catchy, and my favorite part of the piece is at 2:34. I love the blissful mood of the synths, the vocal samples, and rhythmic content there. I like how you brought the piece full-circle at the end with the pensive arpeggios and smooth “slidey” sub-bass. At some point, I might’ve liked to hear either some greater variety in the drops or more dynamic melodic content, but admittedly 2:34 helped scratch that itch a bit. Overall, this is a very creative piece with some unique sound design, a great sense of energy and drive, and appealing danceable quality. The mastering could use a bit of tightening up in places, but overall this is a solid effort. Keep at it, Solarloe! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score