Good music!
The vocals are a little misplaced, but good anyway. Good rhythms, man!
A was making a Trance track with a different tune in mind, but the synthesizer i used was perfect
for this melody.
The long buzz sound in the synthesizer makes the track sound more complete...
The Vocal hooks must be short so they fit in the sound... cause long vocal lines mess up the speed of the track...
Mabey some dont liek the way i used High end sound with low ones but that`s just how the track worked out for me... hope u Enjoy it .. ! :D
Good music!
The vocals are a little misplaced, but good anyway. Good rhythms, man!
Well I like it
Good job here on this. I do like it and like how you did keep the vocals short. I'm not a fan of vocals anyway which is why I love this website. When I do here vocals on this site they are pretty much done well and in a cool way. The only little thing I can see that might need some improvement is that it is a little repetitive in some areas which looses my attention a bit. But still great job.
hey ,..
Thnx for the commends,...both of u ...
Oh wel vocals can be very powerfull if there good ! but those hare the hardest part...
What u mean with "repetitive" i dont really know, but i assume u meant that some part is many a bit chaotic..
I try new things with evry track, giving it it`s own look because it has to represent the name it has ! :D
Thnx for commends..
Greetz DJMontana
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.