I really love how calming yet inspiring the rhythm is <3
this is why i havent had much out recently. enjoy (and plz review)... more to come soon
I really love how calming yet inspiring the rhythm is <3
Do as the title says... Keep goin^^;
Keep goin^^; You're making GREAT music, just love it. It's long, it's a little wrong placed tho, i'd say more trance than drum'n'bass. This song is nice chilling music(My opinion). and would be a great theme song for any space game or something like that. Keep doing your stuff... Or just "keep goin";)
Five minutes...
of pure awesome. Keep it up. Welcome to my favs list.
the underlying sounds feel really good. also the drums have a nice rythm.
question: what program do you use to make this music?
Awesome song and keep it up.
Much respect man,but...
This is an excellent song,and it could be used for a variety of scenes. An underlying BGM while an epic confrontation is going down, or boss battle music. The only thing that gets me is that its really tame for D&B style music, it would fit more in trance to be honest. But i digress certain styles have a special feel to them and this doesn't feel like D&B. Again Awesome song.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.