you wake up
you are laying on the ground in a forest
you look up at the sky
the sky is a pinkish-orange color
you get up
you look around
you see an eerie blue mist cover the grass
you look at the sky again
you can't find the sun
or the moon
or the stars
just clouds
you begin to walk around, attempting to make sense of what is going on
you trip on a stick
you get up
you see a river
you walk towards the river
you hear a strange noise, almost like leaves rustling
yet you can't feel or hear the wind
you hear it again, this time coming from the tree right in front of you
you stare at the tree
two, red eyes slowly open from inside of the tree
one second you're too horrified to move away
the next you're dead
Fire 😲🔥
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.