so sweet ...
bad ass man!
5 and a 10 ...
did you use a piano roll (i think thts what there called) cause your making great use of your i say it again bad ass
Just like the song from the OST but with updated instruments and better quality.
so sweet ...
bad ass man!
5 and a 10 ...
did you use a piano roll (i think thts what there called) cause your making great use of your i say it again bad ass
Yes I did use a piano roll. And I downloaded a MIDI so I could see the notes. But yeah. Thanks, man.
Good But
Sounds Like A Midi Track
I'm Saying ITs Bad
Cuz Its Not
But Maybe Try To Add Some Realer Sounding Instruments
Good Stuff
Realer, huh? Lol. Ok. I'll try to do that, and I'll try to make the beginning sound better; for some weird reason the guitar sounds funky, like it's glitching up, or something. Thanks for the review. I would try to do something different with the track to make it sound original, but I can't really do anything with it (because it IS so original), or, at least, without making it sound dumb. But I'll try someday. Thanks again, man. I appreciate it.
You're cool.
Zelda much!!!??? Yes, I love this one too. You get a big RESPECT...
Check out my stuff sometime, I'd like to hear your opinion on it: --- thanks much! Keep it up!
Thanks, man! I will check out your stuff.
not bad.
Rather well done! Keep on it.
Sweet. Thanks for the review!
this brings back memories. this game is one my top 5 list of best games. the remix is really good so you get a 9 from me. i think im going to play Ocarina of time now.
Wow. I'm so happy! I might do a remastered version, but we'll see.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.