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grime steez (rough)

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Author Comments

i do realize the intro and the actual beat dont mix so well, but hey, i try, enjoi! o_O

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Great, man.

I really like it, the instrumental breakdowns switch it up and keeps it interesting.

it could work

The overall sound is good. Speed is good. Timing and sound mix is off though.

The intro works just fine. Need to turn it up more though instead of it being so soft sounding. If anything slowly fade in the drum to let the listener feel the beat before you hit them full force with it.
as for the slow down at 01:08, you can really do without it. If you like, maybe add something to it. a suggestion would be to bring in the cymbols over it before going back in full force.
The last thing is the sound effects in the background. They are sparadic. If anything blend something in with your corrent beat, or fade them in and out so they just dont jump at you from no where.

I really do like the beat though. Just needs some clean up.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Nov 9, 2007
4:41 AM EST
Drum N Bass
File Info
3.5 MB
3 min 47 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.